Real estate agents

Here, real estate agents can log in and retrieve information about the payment status of water and sewerage fees.

You can also enter the property number here and see the assessment.

Access for licensed real estate agents, to the payment status of water and sewer.

Licensed real estate agents can download the status of water and sewerage fees on the real estate agent's website. To access the website, you must fill out the following form.

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Application: Fill out the contact form on our website

Confidentiality Statement Request: After your application has been received, we will contact you via the registered email address. We ask that you sign a confidentiality statement to ensure the security and confidentiality of the information.

Access information: After you have signed the confidentiality statement, we will send you a username and password so that you can access the information on the website.

By following this process, we ensure that access to sensitive information, is provided responsibly and securely. We look forward to working with you to provide the best possible service for your customers.

Good information to share with customers who are moving.

  • Take a picture of the meters on the day they move out, it is easy to report a change of user here on our website.
  • It is preferable that the meter reading be taken on the same day that the change of user is announced. However, readings must not be older than two days.

Assessmentslip of water and sewerage fees by property number.

Here you can access the total assessment of water and sewerage fees by property number, for the selected year.