Meter readings

Common questions and answers about meters, readings and how to submit a meter reading in a simple way.

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Electronic meters

Here you can see two types of electric meters which are most common in homes today. The numbers you read from the meter are the ones on the screen before kWh. You need to read the whole number, i.e. including the zeroes that are often in front of the number. If you hand in a reading to Veitur you also need to have the number of the meter which is a bar code number on the front of the meter as the arrow shows.

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District heating meter

It is positioned on the district heating frame of the home. The meter is round as you see on the picture. The numbers you read from this meter are the ones in front of m3. The meter's number is the bar code on top of the lid as the arrow shows. The bar code number can also be on the side of the meter.

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Here you can see another type of hot water and water flow meters. Notice that the start screen shows kWh (kilowatt hour), after which the energy value of the water has been calculated, but you need to send in the meter reading in m3 (cubic meters).

kamstrup-maelir-kwh 0

To read the meter, you need to scroll once to the right (see red circle). Then the cubic meters (m3) are displayed, which is the amount of water that has flowed through. That's the number we use to account for the use. If you continue to scroll, you can also see the water temperature.

You can go back by pressing the left arrow button. If the meter is left untouched for four minutes, it returns to the start screen.


More information about the Kamstrup meter.

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Instructions for sending a meter reading