Meter readings

Common questions and answers about meters, readings and how to submit a meter reading in a simple way.

Those without a smart digital meter must submit a meter reading once a year. Veitur sends a notification to the registered contact person. If you have recently added a new device that uses a lot of energy, for example a Jacuzzi or an electric car, it is a good idea to submit a meter reading more often to prevent you from getting a large bill when you pay for actual usage.

Those who have smart meters do not need to send a reading, it is regularly sent automatically to Veitur.

  • I read off my meter, but where do I submit the reading?

    You can submit it here and the page will guide you through the process.

  • Why do I need to send a picture of my meter?

    You do not have to, but sometimes it helps. It means that we can see if the correct numbers have been submitted, especially if it has changed a lot since the last reading.

  • How do I find the meter number and the meter reading on my meters?

    Look for two larger numbers on your meter. One, near the barcode, is the fixed meter number. The other is the changing number you need for the reading itself, usually at the bottom of the screen.

    There are several different meters used on our distribution areas. Here you can find examples on most of our meters.

  • Where is the meter number located?

    On most meters the meter number is close to the barcode and is always a fixed number. On some meters you can find it at the bottom of the screen.

  • How do I know if my submission was successful?

    After submitting the numbers a window should open thanking you. If that did not happen, try again or check on My account.

  • What if I receive an error that the ID and the number of the meter do not match?

    The meter is likely registered under a different ID number (kennitala) The meter is registered to the same ID number that gets the bill from Veitur. On My account you can see if the meter is on your ID number and if it is, you can see the meter number there.

  • Where do I find the meters?

    In the intake area of the house, where you can see the pipes. It is often a garage or a storage room. The electric meter is in a cupboard, but the hot water meter is on the pipe- frame, sometimes with a cover.

  • Why do I get an error when I submit the electricity meter reading?

    For electricity, some meters require a fraction (number-comma-number). It is on some meters and is quite easy to see.

  • Why do I get an error when I submit the hot water meter reading?

    The hot water meter reading must be submitted in cubic meters (m3). On the white square meters, the number is automatically shown as kWh (kilowatt hours) but should be in cubic meters. If you have one of those meters you must press down the button on the far-right side to switch the measuring unit to cubic meters. That is the number you submit.

  • How do I get cubic meters (m3) on my meter to read the right number?

    If your meter is white and square, press down the button on the far-right side to switch the measuring unit from kWh to m3 . This is the number you submit. Please note that the unit of measure will change again to kWh after four minutes.

  • When are meter readings done?

    Meter readings are generally done once a year, with timing varying by area. Transfers to new users or when a new meter is set also require submitting a meter reading.

  • Why is the meter reading necessary?

    Meter readings ensure the accurate billing based on actual usage. Bills are sent after readings, and estimates are recalculated.

  • Why is there only one meter for the hot water in apartment buildings?

    In many apartment buildings there's a single hot water meter, and costs are divided between apartments based on size. Each apartment should have its own electric meter.

  • When do I get a digital/smart meter, so I do not have to do the meter reading myself?

    Smart digital meters are gradually being distributed in our distribution areas. You can see the approximate timing for your area here.

Instruction videos

  • How to read a meter?

  • How to submit a meter reading?