
Below is a list of all our policies.

Non-discrimination policy

Veitur’s non-discrimination strategy obligates the company to continually improve issues regarding gender equality. The human rights provision in the Icelandic constitution is the basis of Veitur’s non-discrimination strategy. The strategy’s objective is to value individuals based on their merits and ensure that they enjoy equal rights. The non-discriminatory strategy is an integral part of Veitur Utilities’ equal pay policy and applies to all employees.

Veitur Utilities’ works systematically towards:

  • Gender equal remuneration.
  • Gender parity within Veitur Utilities and its individual companies, work groups, divisions and departments.
  • Increasing diversification within companies, work groups, divisions and departments, regarding e.g.: sex, age, sexual orientation, religion, opinion, nationality, race, colour and financial standing.
  • Enable employees to balance work and private life, as much as possible.
  • Promote a culture of non-discrimination within Veitur Utilities.Promote education and awareness within Veitur Utilities about the issues and challenges facing minority groups.
  • React to harassment, gender-based violence, gender-based harassment and sexual harassment within Veitur Utilities.
  • Have gender equality as criteria in strategy- and all major decision making.
  • Secure accessibility and accommodation facilities based on physical and mental abilities.

Veitur Utilities fulfils the non-discrimination requirements in accordance with legislation and regulations on gender equality.

Veitur Utilities’ gender equality policy is based on its fundamental values and comprehensive strategy and is presented in accordance with owners’ strategy and RE’s renumeration policy.

[Policy reviewed and approved at board meeting 19.04.2023]